If you’re using public transportation, the choice by far is the U6, get off at U-Bhf Seestraße. Use the northeast exit to leave the station, and you should find yourself at the north corner of Seestraße and Müllerstraße, with the main entrance to the Urnenfriedhof Seestraße (marked “Städtlicher Urnenfriedhof”), address of Seestraße 93A. It’s easier for the first time visitor to
Main Office
walk northeast on Seestraße, paralleling the fence to the cemetery, pass the Seestraße 93 entrance (which the cemetery office is adjacent to, then enter the cemetery at the Seestraße 92-93 entrance. If you choose to enter the cemetery at Seestraße 93A or 93, walk parallel to the fence, pass the cemetery office on the right and the Glockenturm on the left, and coming to the crossroads with the Seestraße 92-93 entrance on the right.
If the U6 doesn’t work for you (for example, if you’re coming from the direction of Pankow or Hohenschönhausen), you may also use the U8 or U9, to U-Bhf Osloer Straße, or the S1, S2, S8, S9, S25, or S85 to S-Bhf Bornholmer Straße. Once outside of either of these stations, you’ll want to wind up on the north side of Osloer Straße if you arrive at U-Bhf Osloer Straße, or the north side of Bornholmer Straße if you arrive at S-Bhf Bornholmer Straße, walking towards
Cemetery Entrance
the southwest, and stop at the first Metro station. Take the M13 or Bus #50 southwest, get off at the Osram Höfe stop, before you get to U-Bhf Seestraße; this will be just a bit northeast of Seestraße 92-93, then walk to the cemetery entrance.
First right, after cemetery entrance
Once you have entered the cemetery at Seestraße 92-93, walk to the first crossroads and take a right. Walk northeast to the next crossroads, and take a left, which will have you walking northwest. Pass the grove identified as Abteilung II-8, and stop at the second grove, immediately past the first path on the left, to the southwest. Ida Siekmann is buried in the grove on the left, identified as Abteilung II-I. Facing the grove, there are two groups of graves. Her grave is in the left group, first row, the furthest grave to the right.
After first right, before first left
First left
In front of grove, looking back at first left
In front of grove, looking back, but westerly
In front of grove, looking back, more westerly
Close-up of Frau Siekmann's grave
Left group in the grove; Frau Siekmann's grave is bottom right
Another view
Schematic of Urnenfriedhof Seestraße
Left side of schematic
Right side of schematic
Right side of schematic; path from entrance to grave highlighted